
Showing posts from July, 2011

Reflections from the Fog that is the first trimester

Wow, who knew that the backspace button could function so efficiently! I have started oodles of blogs, looked at my ridiculousness, and held down the key that makes it all disappear. Then I feel emptied of any writing inspiration that jogged me into starting the endeavor. I think about making vain I have in the past. So I don't. To be honest, I am in the doldrums of Nausea. I am thankful for this Nausea for so many reasons. Let me be clear...for the past four weeks, I have endured (and not very gracefully) the worst pregnancy related all day sickness of my three pregnancies. I wake up feeling ill, I eat feeling ill, I sleep feeling ill, I drink water feeling ill. When I abstain from one or all of these things, I still feel ill. Okay! Glad I got the whining out of the way. The advantages of this sickness have been multiple. The Lord has reminded me to lift my dear friends who suffer chronically to Him in prayer with more fervency on their behalf than I ...