13 means new beginnings...
God was gracious, darling Hannah turned, and was born safely and easily at my midwife's. This Wednesday will mark the thirteenth week into my adventure as a mother of three. The transition itself presented unique challenges. On the one hand, things aren't that much harder because I already possessed a practical understanding of scheduling multiple variables. I remembered that adding a new baby meant that everything takes 30 minutes longer, but I forgot how difficult lack of sleep is to my general abilities. Unfortunately, at 5 weeks along, all the darlings were stricken with a terrible cold that lasted around three weeks. Then we got healthy, then sick again, I had a couple two day migraines, I haven't been getting up on time, etc. I have this delightfully planned routine that is even up on my refrigerator, but I am sabotaging myself by not going to bed on time. This week that changes! If I get enough sleep during the night, I won't have to sleep during nap time, so ...