Lessons in multi-tasking nothingness...

Motherhood: the appearance of laziness, when in reality the vast plethora of things accomplished staggers the casual observer.

This is my life today. Compared to other days, it is actually quite lazy.

The appearance: Sleeping in.

The Reality: I woke up three times in less than eight hours in order to meet the needs of my infant girl. Added to the fact that yesterday's nap only last three minutes, this made me quite exhausted. The kind of exhaustion that even tea cannot overcome. Bringing all the kids into bed seemed like the only option.

The Reality: The baby fell off of the ottoman today, which left a not-so-adorable bump on her little head-unfortunately the part of her little body that took the hit. She needed extra cuddling- accomplished during the sleeping in part of the morning.

The Caveat to this everybody in bed thing? I now have to wash the sheets, because Abigail spit up on them.

The appearance: I haven't cleaned anything. ( Warning: Graphic Spit-Up Content)

The Reality: After getting Gabriel his food, I attempted to read my Bible, But the Baby kept crying out in her swing. I thought that it would be nice for her if I held her while I read. The minute I picked her up, she projected warm, gooey spit up all down the front of me. While Gabriel and I stared, shocked, at each other, Abigail interpreted our silence as a request for a repeat performance. She Encored. In Fact, her encore was more amazing, both in volume and trajectory than the initial spurt. Part of her skill was revealed when, en route to the shower, I set her down to discover that she had spared herself the bulk of it. I have never seen so much spit up. It was dripping all over me, in globs. Needless to say, I showered immediately, and then bathed both kids after that.

So now, they are both bathed and dressed, and fed. Plus I am bathed, dressed, and fed.

The Caveat is that regardless of my busy two hours I still need to wash dishes and fold laundry so that things are really done.

Basically, this is one of those days where I feel inordinately drained, but am thankful that I have all these little things to do just to maintain an appearance of pseudo-tidiness...

I think I will try tea now.


  1. ...in truest Harvey fashion, let me send you a virtual stroking of the hand and a "poor, poor thing." How can someone SO small wreak such vast havoc? Hope the tea helps!

  2. (FYI it's Elly using Tim's google account so I can post a comment)
    hehehe Isn't that the way it is Rachel? Sometimes I look around the house "proudly" when there aren't toys in every square inch of the house when Tim gets home...ah, the little things :o) And thanks for the preview of things to come, with two little ones!


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