Heave- Ho....

Sunday's Sermon about the brevity of life and it's unexpected changes convicted me. I left Church so motivated for this week. I was going to try to spend every day like it could be my last....have things in order, house tidy, accomplishments everywhere. Be thoughtful about the way I interact with my Lord, husband, and children. The wife and mother I want to be began to emerge in my thoughts as a beautiful and inspiring force to behold. Some of my mind-chart toppers: Industrious, kind, thoughtful, gentle, industrious, diligent, disciplined, industrious. Ah. There is my problem. I am lazy.

When I speak of laziness, I don't actually mean that I never accomplish anything. The circumstances of my life (the two little kidlets and no dishwasher) prohibit that. What I am praying for (and noticing I lack) is a mindset of industry. To plan, to achieve, to be joyful and content in my work. To come to my household with enthusiasm.
Jonathan Edwards said (when speaking of good time-management),"How much may be done in a day!"
So, today, rather than berate myself for everything that I am NOT doing, I am just going to Rejoice in the day that the Lord has given me, keep on with my day, and say with the Psalmist (in 30:12):

O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!


  1. Amen Rachel! He has given us much reason to give thanks! And taking care of kidlets and doing dishes by hand, while it would seem they are small in "number" as far as a checklist would go, is definitely a lot to accomplish! And as we are productive throughout our days, whatever we do, if we do it for His glory - He is pleased (1 Cor. 10:31) :o) Thank you for that reminder, as I too struggle with feeling the need to get a lot done - the list is growing and I feel I'm slowing...

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Rachel. I just came across your blog and, as a Christian mother, can relate to so much of what you've written. I wasted so many days berating myself for things I did or didn't do and not living up to my own expectations. I am so thankful to God for changing my perfectionist mindset.


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