Comfort to a Wearied Soul

Persecution distills our devotion to Christ. Reflection upon the current oppression to our brothers and sisters in Syria and other countries gives us a prayerful and content attitude almost immediately. It causes serious pursuit of eternal matters, and appreciation for our “great cloud of witnesses.” Some of these witnesses were persecuted for their beliefs and convictions.

One group is termed “Puritans.” Originally a negative term, these people were cast out of their congregations for not conforming to the Book of Common Prayer issued by the English government in the 17th century. Many of these Godly pastors wrote. And wrote. And wrote. And much of their writing, spurred by a deep commitment to an accurate understanding of Scripture, is very edifying and thoughtful.

With a rediscovery of these men in recent years, it can become overwhelming to determine which puritans to read, and how much coffee one will need to follow the archaic language! Many words (like ‘religion’) they used have become couched in negative ideas. Given a chance to explain, George Swinnock clarifies that “All religion without the knowledge of the true God is a mere notion, an airy, empty nothing.” (Vol. 1. P. 32)

So, how did I discover George Swinnock? I had never heard of him until I purchased Voices From the Past: Puritan Devotional Readings.  As titled, for every day of the year, there is a devotional from an old author. These reflections, beginning with a bible verse, have been limited to 350 words, making for a perfect ‘bite’ to start your exposure to some of these wonderful writers. While at times lightly edited, there is definitely enough for the reader to determine who they like, and who they don’t feel a burning desire to purchase more of.
Get this book, and read the dead guys. They knew what they were about.
“They are the men that can give a word of comfort to a wearied soul in due season…”

(from the Preface, p. ix)

Oh, you can buy it Here. Have a great week!


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