On What to Listen To...

I love music, and I want my children to love music. So what do we do? We listen to music!

For the parent who wants lovely God honoring music as a part of home (and car) life, but can’t sit at the piano singing our favorite worship songs, hymns, and spiritual songs all day, this presents a conundrum.

In our household there are routinely classical or hymn CD’s going. And when I say Hymns, this is the Hymn CD from the Together for the Gospel conference worship, so it is just piano and 3,000 men singing. I like this, and I like that my kids are getting solid hymnody reinforced at home.

We all understand that music is a powerful medium for memorization. We know that there are several music CD’s that teach history, math, geography and science (which is fabulous!), but what is our primary desire for our children?

To know the word of God.  If they know it, we can teach them to understand it. The Holy Spirit can use it in their souls to draw them to Him, and to sanctify them.

The latest music series I have found that has helped our family in this area is called “Seeds.”  They have scripture (with references given in each song) set to music in a more modern style that the kids and I both enjoy. You can check out their website at http://www.seedsmusicstore.com/.

Two fabulous things: If you buy the cd, it comes with two (so you can give one away), and they are easy to find on itunes for you to just buy a few songs.

One possibly not fabulous thing: Some of the music was a little much for me, but you can sample some online before you buy. The CD based on the Psalms had only one song that didn’t make it on my iphone for the kids…J

Happy Listening!


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