A Comma is not a Period.

I had one resolution this year. To make it extra easy, I even decided it would only be my focus for the month of January, because if I can do something successfully for a month, then another month won't be hard, right? It worked for menu planning, and breakfast-for-husband making. Of course, the laundry thing still hasn't turned out too well, but dropping some money at Costco to organize the area should take care of any lingering issues in that department. I hope.

No, with this resolution, I determined to break out of years of bad habits and destructive patterns groomed by my family life pre-marriage. To make it easier, I narrowed the scope of this behavioral shift:

                                          I would not interrupt. 

                                                                      My Husband.

Some of this is a communication style (I tell myself). I genuinely feel that by finishing a thought with him (or before he can get to it), I show solidarity with his view on the subject. In reality, this lack of self control reveals that I fail to respect or serve others. I need help in this area, so rather than pray about it, I just told myself sternly "I will not interrupt Nathan. I will let others finish their thoughts!"

You can imagine how that has been working out. God has given me a husband who suffers silently at my expense in public, rather than embarrass me by calling me out on my bad behavior towards him.

So tonight, I am actually going to ask the Lord to give me grace in this area. Pray for me if you think of it. God so wonderfully works upon us, and I look forward to growth in self control with my speech. 


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