Meanderings from the Breakfast Table

My kitchen table is many things, but its most important function is creating a comfortable place for my sweet littles to wax eloquent. Typically, I try not to be one of those moms who talks about their children on every media outlet they can find, but let’s be honest, there are some Great Aunties who eat this stuff for…well, breakfast.

Several things this morning. We often listen to Dr. Mohler’s podcast as a general news source in the morning. As a recap of some of the recent executive orders came over, Gabriel was paying more attention to it than I was. Suddenly, he says, “WHAT???, does this mean I won’t get to keep my Cap gun?”

Later, sated by several waffles and a sausage, he looked across the table and politely queried, “ Mama, do you want to know what I am going to name my three wives?”

Let me tell you, Irish Breakfast is not supposed to go down my bronchial tubes like that, but I coughed it out somewhat safely. I pondered which worldview to sort out first, and decided to clarify the biblical mandate concerning how many wives he is allowed at a time. After we straightened that out, I was curious about his name choices.

“Shayla, Mushayla, and MuGayla.” You can imagine my expression.

I explained that his wife would probably only change her last name, and asked how he would like it if his wife wanted him to changed his name. “ I guess it would be okay if it was Josh Randall.” In the face of such selfless sacrifice, I had no more arguments.

Currently, he plans on asking his wife’s parents to change her name. I think to MuGayla.


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